The Biden administration is taking steps to ease shipping congestion

The Biden administration is taking steps to ease shipping congestion

The Biden administration is making a concerted effort to relieve the supply chain nightmare that has caused sticker shock, leaving store shelves empty and creating lengthy shipping delays. The centerpiece of the plan is a 90 day sprint to unclog port congestion. The Port of Los Angeles, one of the most congested ports on the planet, is moving to 24-7 operations.

Containers are stacked in the Los Angeles Port of Portland on 13 October 2010 and moved to the Vancouver terminal. The Biden administration is making a concerted effort to relieve the retailer nightmare that has been causing sticker shock, leaving store shelves empty and creating lengthy shipping delays. The centerpiece of the plan is a 90-day sprint to break out port congestion. The port of Los Angeles, one of the most congested ports on Earth, is expanding to 24/7 operations.

A supply chain crisis has caused shipping delays and higher prices for consumers, threatening to slow down the global economic recovery.

Around the world, ports are congested as a result of the rapid rebound in demand for commodities and goods. The nightmare is far beyond the fear of container ships. It also includes a worldwide shortage in truck drivers, trucks, computer chips and other components — as well as hundreds of thousands of seafarers stuck at sea due to countries having different rules during the Covid 19 pandemic.

This week, it was one of the largest stories as the Biden administration announced steps to help reduce bottlenecks in the United States.

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