Conservative Lawmakers in Japan React to Same-Sex Marriage Court Ruling

Conservative Lawmakers in Japan React to Same-Sex Marriage Court Ruling

Conservative politicians from Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party have reacted strongly to the recent ruling by the Sapporo High Court, which deemed the absence of legal provisions for same-sex marriage as unconstitutional. This decision has drawn criticism from some members of the party, with one former Cabinet member going as far as to label the court's ruling itself as unconstitutional, showing staunch resistance to the idea of legalizing same-sex marriage.

The Sapporo High Court's ruling highlighted the violation of Article 24 of the Constitution, which defines the freedom of marriage, due to the absence of same-sex marriage provisions in Japan's laws, including the Civil Law. The presiding judge of the high court emphasized the need for prompt response measures in addressing this issue, urging for sincere discussions and actions to support the LGBTQ+ community. Despite this legal development, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has maintained a cautious stance on the matter, stating that the government does not view the lack of same-sex marriage provisions as unconstitutional.

Conservative lawmakers, who have traditionally opposed discussions on legalizing same-sex marriage in the Japanese Diet, have faced criticism for going against global trends that promote individual dignity and diversity. Despite the enactment of an LGBT law last year to promote understanding towards sexual minorities, some within the party remain vehemently against legislation for same-sex marriages. While the Liberal Democratic Party is the only major political group in Japan with a cautious stance on this issue, there are calls from opposition parties and even voices within the ruling coalition, like Komeito, for a more progressive approach towards same-sex marriage legislation.